Background of the market survey
Germany has set itself the goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2045, and the development of a hydrogen infrastructure plays a central role in this. Recognized studies, such as the BMWK long-term scenarios, forecast a high demand for hydrogen storage capacities in the long term. However, hydrogen storage facilities are already needed soon to ensure a secure and cost-effective hydrogen supply.
EWE GASSPEICHER would like to contribute to achieving the climate targets and with its decades of experience in gas storage, plans to play an active role in shaping the development of the hydrogen infrastructure. To be able to develop storage capacities in line with demand and security of supply, EWE is conducting a market survey to ascertain future hydrogen storage needs. The market survey is aimed at all companies that have identified a storage need in the future of hydrogen market. This is initially a non-binding expression of interest. However, depending on the results of the market survey, further steps are planned to enable customer-oriented planning of our hydrogen storage projects and finally the booking of storage capacities. All participants in the current market survey are free to participate in the further steps.
Take advantage of your opportunity to participate in the market survey and communicate your storage needs at an early stage. This will give you the opportunity to help shape the planning and development of a hydrogen storage infrastructure with your specific needs.
It is also possible to participate in the market survey if you are still uncertain about your specific needs. In this case, you can indicate corresponding uncertainties in the questionnaire, and we will be happy to contact you after the official market survey period to discuss your potential needs.
The official market survey starts on September 18, 2023, at 00:00 and ends on October 20, 2023, at 23:59. Bilateral discussions will be arranged if needed and are scheduled for calendar week 43.
Participate in the market survey in three steps.
Would you like to participate in the market survey?
The official market survey starts on September 18, 2023, at 00:00 and ends on October 20, 2023, at 23:59.
All companies that have identified a hydrogen storage need and want to book storage capacity in the future can participate in the query. A (perspective) access to the core network is an important prerequisite.
Participation is still possible. As part of the questionnaire, you can indicate that you are not yet able to quantify storage needs but would like to discuss your needs with us. We will then contact you and organize bilateral meetings to discuss your needs together and take them into account in the market survey.
Participation is still possible. Please indicate that you are not yet able to quantify the storage requirements but would like to discuss the needs with us. We will then contact you and jointly consider how the results can be considered in the market survey.
The information is treated confidentially and serves as an initial estimate of actual storage requirements in the coming years. The results help to develop storage capacities in line with demand and enable a customer-centric approach to our strategic planning.
All demand notifications submitted via our provided market query tool are purely indicative and thus do not constitute a binding order or similar.
No, self-evidently no customer-specific data will be published. The only data that can be communicated publicly are aggregated results, such as the total reported demand or the total number of participating companies.